A study of the value of local handicrafts of the model community for creative local knowledge management of creative district networks along the world heritage corridor of Sukhothai, Si Satchanalai, and Kamphaeng Phet

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Aumpika Amloy


This research aims to study the value of local handicrafts of the communities based on criteria for selecting 3 model communities to represent the 19 target communities surrounding Sukhothai, Si Satchanalai, and Kamphaeng Phet Historical Park. This research is field research that the samples were 19 people of community leaders, using purposive sampling method, and 95 people of people in the community involved in local handicrafts, using a quota sampling method. Then, bringing the data for qualitative analysis and presented by descriptive writing to summarize the results. The results show the value indicators of local handicrafts of the model community. It can classify into four aspects, namely 1. identity values, 2. material and process values, 3. aesthetic values, and 4. functional values. In addition, the community's development model of local handicrafts is consistent with culture and shows the conservation and application of local wisdom. Including a management model that emphasizes the participation of people in the community and relies on cooperation from all sectors, it is considered an essential tool in preserving the value of the community's cultural heritage. These potentials lead to the development or improvement of management practices that can link the development of local handicrafts in a networked manner and link the local handicraft identity to the study area. Continue to build a support mechanism for creative local knowledge management of creative district networks along the world heritage corridor of Sukhothai, Si Satchanalai, and Kamphaeng Phet.

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