Design Beating machines for Sugar palm bract from Solar power.

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Nutwarat Khajadpai
Pranee Taoklang
Phinyapat Sawatkunnithi
Boonchub Boonsuk
Pisit Klangkool


Research on the insulation from fiber cladding of sugar palm bract to develop as a material for interior decoration. The objective of this research is (1) to study the properties of the fibers of the sugar palm bract suitable to develop as a material for interior work and insulation (2) to develop interior materials capable of insulating the heat from the sugar palm fibers bract with a focus on conservation, use of energy and the environment In this research, the fiber properties of the sugar palm bract were studied using a natural adhesive binder and were molded by 12 formulations for the appropriate formulation . Research findings It was found that the formula 1 gave the highest temperature difference of 3.22 ° C, indicating that the insulation capacity through the test material was the most effective. When the untreated sugar palm fiber content was used, the fiber content from 65% bract and 35% latex was used when compared with OSB plywood. Except for Formula 3 and Formula 5, it has better heat resistance than OSB, especially in Formula 1, it has better heat resistance than OSB board.

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