A study of the wisdom of the ruean ton Thai dress and the chitralada Thai dress to develop a sewing technique guide

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Karnsuda Prakasvudhisarn
Chulaluck Thephatsadin Na Ayuthaya
Thanakrit Kaewpilarom


The objectives of this research were: 1.to collect knowledge on the wisdom of tailoring of Ruan Ton Thai dress and Chitralada Thai dress 2. to develop a prototype of Ruan Ton Thai dress and Chitralada Thai dress to synthesize the body of knowledge for preparing a cutting technique guide. 3. evaluate the sewing techniques guide for Ruan Ton Thai dress and Chitralada Thai dress. The tools used for data collection were unstructured interview forms. Participant observation form opinion questionnaire and satisfaction assessment form. The results showed that Thai royal costumes can reflect the nation and traditional arts and crafts that have changed over time. Especially the Ruan Ton Thai dress and Chitralada Thai dress that appear the most because there are patterns that can be worn for both regular and special occasions. Which can divide the body of knowledge about sewing techniques in 4 areas to cutting techniques, cutting Modification techniques, techniques for pasting cutting patterns onto fabric and technical sewing. The results of the assessment of opinions on the manual from a sample of people who teach about tailoring. Civil servants at the Bangkok Vocational Training School. The Social Development Agency, in terms of form, content and application, found that the sample group had the most appropriate overall opinion with ( )=4.6, (S.D.) = 0.50. The students who studied pattern making and Thai dress sewing were found to have a high level of overall satisfaction with a ( )=4.35, (S.D.) = 0.50.


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