Packaging design for disease-free transport of chrysanthemum seedlings for farmers growing plants

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Thanang Chankitchunyo
Wareerat Sampatpong
Nattapong Chanchula


Research on packaging design for transporting disease-free chrysanthemum seedlings for farmers The ornamental flower growers group aims to 1. to design packaging for the transportation of disease-free chrysanthemum seedlings for the ornamental flower growers. The researcher divided the study guideline into 2 parts : 1. The study of physical characteristics and various aspects of disease-free chrysanthemums showed that disease-free chrysanthemum saplings were cultured in a laboratory before being put into trays. Cultivated for propagation and then distributed to farmers. 2.Packaging design for transporting disease-free chrysanthemum seedlings for ornamental flower growers is divided into 2 steps: pre-design stage; Found that the important thing to focus on design is the form, the packaging structure. and graphics on the packaging design stage The researcher used the results of the study to draw conclusions for 3 types of packaging designs and to evaluate the designs. by 3 packaging design specialists to select only 1 suitable packaging; 2. to study the satisfaction with the packaging format of disease-free chrysanthemum seedlings for transporting disease-free chrysanthemum seedlings. For farmers who grow ornamental plants from 100 flower and ornamental plant farmers who are farmers network of the Institute of Scientific and Technological Research of Thailand (TISTR). for use in statistical analysis of average values and standard deviation.The overall satisfaction assessment of disease-free chrysanthemum seedlings packaging format for ornamental flower growers was at a high level ( =4.49) standard deviation (S.D. = 0.72) and when considering each aspect of all 2 aspects, it was found that the overall packaging structure was at the highest level ( =4.56), the standard deviation (S.D.= 0.65) and the graphics overall were at a high level ( =4.41) Standard Deviation (S.D.= 0.78).


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