The correlation study between text usage and concept in contemporary Thai art

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Suthida Ma-on


        The objective of this contemporary Thai art research article is for 1) studied and analyzed the correlation between text and concept of contemporary Thai art and 2) explained the connection between text usage and concept of contemporary Thai art by examining, studying, and reviewing the art works of three selected artists, whom are Vasan Sitthiket, Kamin Lertchaiprasert, and Prasong Luemuang. The principle of Systemic Functional Linguistics theory, art theory, and related artworks examination are used for defining and describing the principle of the studied. The result of deliberation shows the correlation between text and concept of contemporary Thai art through form created procedure by specifying text as a form that has the same role and function as the visual language.  Text and visual language are started from idea and convey the meaning for communicating according to the usage system which related with language context. The result of second objective reveals that the artist has defined text usage system through the different creative process. However, it is in accordance with personal concept and creative intention which conveys through the structure of artwork. Artist has assigned text usage pattern as a symbol that has a form with direct meaning and connotation in thought process. After that the meaning is communicated through the form of artwork using unlimited medium and method. Moreover, the results can identify the different kind of contemporary Thai art from the development of the expressive style using the creative process that is clearly unique to each artist.

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