The development of benjarong wares Pattern enhance food styling in concept of Thai identity for creative economy base on Samut Sakhon province
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The objectives of this research were 1. to create prototype of benjarong wares and to set food party in concept of Thai Identity by food stylists and 2. to evaluate prototype of benjarong wares to enhance food styling in concept of Thai identity for creative economy using researches and developments method in 4 steps. The purposive sampling was Donkaidee village, Krathum Baen District, Samut Sakhon Province. The research results were as follows: 1. The results of creating a prototype of benjarong food containers and experimenting with food arrangements in Thai identity concept banquets. From interviews with food stylists, benjarong wares creators, and the observation of benjarong wares creation. It was found that plates are used as a very popular utensil. Benjarong paintings and designs that showed Thai identity are consisting of animal forms, flower forms and line patterns. The sketch development and Selection of 45 pieces of benjarong wares i.e., 3 patterns of 15 sets, were evaluated by the experts and the result was in high level of 90- 98 percentage. The considering sketches were chicken form, fighting fish form, elephant form, peacock form, lotus form, Golden Shower flower form, orchid form, ear of rice pattern, ring of flower pattern, and spike pattern. The prototype of benjarong wares were 10 sets of 3 round plates: 14 inches, 11 inches, and 8 inches. And the food party setting in concept of Thai identity by 5 food stylists was approved by 3 food experts according to the appropriate menu. Food party setting photos were approved by 3 food photo experts: finger foods, snack, and dessert from buffet and cocktail party. Flower vases and decorative items in harmony with form and pattern of plates were used to express auspicious and symbolism of Thai Identity. 2.The exhibition reception was showed at Donkaidee benjarong village and researcher interviewed for certification by 18 experts: art and design experts, food styling experts and product standard experts. All of products quality were at the highest level in all issues, mean ( ) 4.900 to 4.700.
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