Product design and development from silk and raw material from the community : study case of Prakhonchai district, Buriram province

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Maywadee Phayakpraphon
Chidchai Saichuea


This reseach project’s objectives are 1.To design and develop products from silk and raw material from the community, 2. To assess the satistaction of sample to product design. The study area covers 3 district which the leaders are Coconut shell group at Prakhonchai, Handwoven Silk at Chorakeh Mahk, Wood handicraft at Nong Bon.  Findings of the research The research tool are Interview form for community enterprise group learders, found that the all group have experience more than 10 years and their can product product follow order. And questionnaire for professional of design 5, found that the symbols that represent happiness of Thai people were elephant, lotus, and kala face. Which come to design in scarf, bag, keychain, lamp, cushion, and table setting decoration as existing products. Secondly, in evaluating the performance of designing and developing the products in case of lamps, found that there are table lamp, and floor lamp. In case of bags found that there are the pattern 1 a trifold wallet, pattern 5 a 10-inches multi-purpose starfruit bag, pattern 10 starfruit shoulder bag, and pattern 11 a 14 and 16 inches starfruit handbag. In case of bedroom decoration set, found that there are 48x48 centimeters circle cushion with hemming edge and non-hemming edge case, 46x46 centimeters lotus-leaf-style cushion, and 37x40, 37x46, and 48x48 centimeters rectangular and square cushion. In case of scarf, there are 2-colored sewing kala face is suitable for being such souvenirs and the 5-colored sewing is more suitable for scarf designing means. Key chain and eco-bag from silk tab are pattern a lotus leaves.


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