Applying community-based design principles for logo and packaging design hand-woven textile group Ban Wai Lum community, Chiang Kwan District, Roi Et province
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This research aims to 1. To study the key factors in the design of the logo and packaging designs by applying community-based design principles for Handwoven products Hand-woven textile group Ban Wai Lum Community Chiang Kwan District Roi Et Province. 2. To design the logo and packaging for handwoven textile products using the community emblem, applying a design process that involves community participation.3. To study the satisfaction of the stakeholder towards packaging prototype of Handwoven products Hand-woven textile group Ban Wai Lum Community Chiang Kwan District Roi Et Province. This research consisted of the following sample groups: 1. Producer group 2. Community Development Officers (Product Promotion Department of Chiang Kwan District Roi Et Province) 3. Consumer groups the research tools were interview forms and group discussion recordings. The results of the research found that the designed logo pattern has a suitable pattern and color. has the right components The logo represents the identity of the community; it is simple and beautifully suitable for use. The results of the study on the satisfaction of stakeholders towards the designed packaging showed that the details on the packaging were the most satisfying. with an average of ( = 4.44, S.D. = 0.74). It’s consisted of complete product details fonts that are easy to read and understand the graphics on the packaging represent the identity of the community and are beautiful and suitable for the product style. followed by the form of packaging were satisfied at the high level with an average of ( = 4.31, S.D. = 0.80) It consisted of ease of use and Product suitability. Marketing Communication was satisfied at a high level with an average of ( = 4.19, S.D. = 0.79) It consisted of the packaging creating an impression that invites you to buy and enhances the value of the product. Communicating the product clearly, it is unique, and easy to remember, respectively. The overall satisfaction with the packaging design was at a high level with an average of ( = 4.31, S.D. = 0.79)
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