A study of the usage environment of the outpatient building at Doi Saket Hospital to reduce respiratory disease
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Doi Saket Hospital is a community hospital and secondary hospital under the Ministry of Public Health. Using Model No. 3130, which has been the standard in the construction of community hospitals across the country for over 30 years, consequently, the current building is unable to respond to the use of building users as it should.Therefore, Doi Saket Hospital was renovated from its original form to respond to the addition, which does not consider the problems that will occur after the addition or problems with the overall environment of the building. This includes not responding to the current situation of the coronavirus 2019 (Covid 19). It will summarize the problems in use and propose a design guideline to solve them. In-depth interviews on application problems and various medical standards with a group of 15 medical personnel were conducted. The data was analyzed by the content analysis method, which summarizes 3 important issues as follows: 1. Design 2. Environment 3. Building Management From the data, it leads to a participative design approach divided by the area of use of each part of the building. This was constructed to be a design guide to improve Doi Saket Hospital in the future.
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