Application of mural painting at Chai Si Temple Khon Kaen province for fashion design
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The objectives of this study are 1) to study the elements of mural painting at Chai Si temple in Khon Kaen province 2) to apply mural painting at Chi Si temple in Khon Kaen province with digital printing technology for fashion product deesign, 3) to evaluate the fashion product design applied from mural painting at Chai Si temple in Khon Kaen province. Qualitative research and quantitative research methodology were utilized through document study, field-trip data collection, observation, and sample group interview that involved experts, implementers, and stakeholders. The data was collected with observation, interview, and expert evaluation form. The acquired data was analyzed and presented descriptively and statistic.
The results obtained that the elements of mural painting at Chai Si temple in Khon Kaen province showed 2-dimensional drawing, simple lines, various shapes and rough surfaces. The color of mural paintingwas from natural materials e.g. Indigo, Khe or Gamboge, Uniandra Contradens, Kra-Jai or Soot. There is an arrangement of images scattered throughout the area. The surface is prerared and sketched before painting. The applicate of mural painting at Chai Si temple in Khon Kaen province to digital print, based on subtract and repeat concept showed that the experts rated a high level of satisfaction on Design 1 consisted of Pattern A-1 mean=4.40, S.D.=0.24, Pattern A-3 mean= 4.12, S.D.=0.38 and Pattern A-2 mean= 3.76, S.D.= 0.51. A highest level of satisfaction on Design 2 in Pattern B-3 mean= 4.60, S.D.= 0.24, a high-level in Pattern B-1 mean=4.40, S.D.=0.16 and Pattern B-2 mean= 3.92, S.D.=0.30. The overall evaluation of expert toward application of mural painting for fashion product design showed a high level of satisfaction. The satisfaction on the color, disign suitable for target with mean= 4.60, S.D.= 0.54 was obtained at highest level. Also, a high-level of satisfaction on function, material and the collection with mean= 4.20, S.D.=0.44.
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