Cultural map based on the spatial contextual in the lower area of Samut Sakhon provinces
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The research aims to study the cultural capital data of the lower part of Samut Sakhon province and to assess the graphic elements and their contextual identity for applying to the cultural mapping design of the area. The research methodologies were community resource surveys, interviews, dialogues with key informants by purposive sampling and Snowball sampling (e.g., representatives from public organizations, academic institutes, and cultural entrepreneurs in the area), observation in cultural and traditional activities, photo recording of landscape, sites, and culture relating to the province slogan. In addition, the cultural mapping design was evaluated by 25 representative samples through a questionnaire. The contextual identity, the draft structure, and the elements used for the cultural mapping design and cultural products were initiated to enable better communication and easier functionality. This included functional value e.g., line, pattern, image, shape, color, texture, and material, and also emotional value e.g., appreciation towards stories, values, and meanings in the community wisdom which is interpreted into the universal format e.g., symbol, mood, and tone for applying to the design. The cultural mapping design consisted of (1) 1 cultural map of Lower Samut Sakhon (2) 1 map of local Thai culture (2) 1 map of Thai-Chinese culture (3) 1 map of Thai-Mon culture.
The results of the research showed that the graphic elements and their contextual identity developed for the cultural mapping design were assessed as “most appropriate”. In this regard, “Possibility for future use” ranked first (Mean = 5.00 and S.D. = 0.00), while “Building good image” ranked second (Mean = 4.96 and S.D. = 0.20) and “Unique identity in line with the objective” third (Mean = 4.92 and S.D. = 0.28). In conclusion, the cultural mapping of Lower Samut Sakhon can contribute to knowledge management, enhance the grassroots economy, and to further add value to cultural products.
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