A Guideline for urban geometry with tree planting and effect on ventilation and reduce air pollution concentration of urban street canyon in Bangkok

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Parin Buddee


        Particulate matter (PM) or PM 2.5 is generated by traffic in urban areas and effects on pedestrian health. Increasing natural ventilation and planting trees on streets will reduce air pollution in urban areas. But ventilation in urban areas is difficult because the airflow is blocked by buildings. Urban geometry indicated Urban density and study on urban street canyon. This paper aim focuses on urban geometry guidelines with tree planting and effect on airflow and reduce PM2.5 concentration in urban street canyon. The simulation studies run with Envi-met software for 2 models of urban street canyon in Bangkok metropolitan with the same orientation for the ambient wind direction perpendicular to the street canyon and arrangement of tree in this area. The results reveal that the H/W ratio and  not related to wind speed. If the windward buildings are higher than the leeward buildings, it contributes to increases wind speed and reduces PM2.5 concentration in street canyon area. The study also reveals that planting tall trees with low density leave index along the street with 15 meters interval would benefit with wind speed under the tree does not decrease. Arrangement of tree in double-rows and center of the street reduce PM2.5 concentration equally.

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