The design and development of local product for better local economy, by using design pattern inspire by HRH Sirivanvari pattern. Study case of product from tuba roots, Lun pra du subdistrict, Huai talang district. Nakhon Ratchasima.

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alisa Chotinonphicha


This research article aims to study and develop community products to enhance the local economy. inspired by patterns “Khor Chao Fah Sirivannavari” case study of Ton Lai Production. Lung Pradu Subdistrict, Huai Thalaeng District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province to design patterns and develop community products to enhance the grassroots economy. This research was a quantitative research. The tools used in the research were interviews and questionnaires. The representatives in the research was 10 representatives of the woven mat processing group from Ton Lai, 3 design experts and 50 buyers or consumers. Then the data were gathered and analyzed the opinions on pattern and product design by according to the measurement principle averaging of the Likert Scale to summarize the research results. The results showed that Pair of swans of Prince Sirivannavari is a pattern suitable for weaving on community products processed from the Ton Lai to raise the grassroots economy. The average suitability of pattern design experts was  (= 4.8). Community products suitable for processing to improve the local economy were arm bags, crossbody bags, and shoulder bags. Because it is a product that is popular and has more sales than other types of community products. The results of design satisfaction assessment from 50 buyers or consumers found that there is satisfaction in design that can enhance community products. with an average score of  (= 4.94) and satisfaction in all aspects at  (= 4.82), satisfaction at the very best.

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