Creating art by animal bones: In case of creative work the truth of hypothetical shapes
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The objectives of this research 1. To create artwork from animals’ bones. 2. To learn and create systematically artwork. 3. To use natural material that left from consumption with usefulness and value added in that material by artwork. There are methods to learn from concerned document and artwork to have an inspiration until the process of select animal bones from consumption of researcher. Animal Bones are the main material to create new shape by use abstract or semi-abstract shape in order to avoid concealing value of material usage. Research result create artwork from animal bones reflect uncertain life; born, old and dead are truth which appear 6 pieces of artwork. The 1st-3rd pieces are semi-abstract and the 4th-6th pieces are abstract as following; 1. Sa-ra (Substance): Natural shape are decorated to create new shape to reflect uncertainty of flower. 2. Tak-ka (Logic): Apply stone appearance to create normal and simple shape to reflect common life. 3. Lee-la (Style): Have an inspiration from butterfly to create shape that reflect uncertain life, especially beauty also perish. 4. Pan-ta (Commitment): Have structure as geometry which show meaning by material through artwork in order to realize the truth of life. 5. Koo-Keang (Partner): Have structure as couple of cylinders by animal bones to reflect concept of life. 6. Ma-Ya (Illusion): Every part gives different idea and shape which reflect many feeling with many points of view in life. This research is created systematically artwork to seek how to build shape from animal’s bones likes structure of body which reflect the truth of life need to act with caution.
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