Landscape character for identifying tourism image and tourism landuse concept in western coast tourism development zone
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The tourism development goal of Western Coast Tourism Development Zone is to become a leading world-class wellness tourism destination. Following to the goal, this research, therefore, focuses on applying knowledge of landscape architecture to study the landscape character in order to identify tourism images which reflect the landscape as local resources, and to propose concept for tourism landuse. The study area consists of Phetchaburi, Prachuap Khirikhan, and Chumphon Province. Secondary data gathering and site survey along with analysis method leads to suggestions for concept of tourism landuse. Tourism images regarding to landscape character of each province are; Phetchaburi as holistic wellness tourism destination, Prachuap Khirikhan as recreation wellness tourism, and Chumphon as eco wellness tourism. The result will be used along with the studies in other related fields to develop the tourism development plan for the purpose of enhancing Western Coast Tourism Development Zone to become a leading world-class wellness tourism destination.
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