Mascot design and its evaluation for Local tourism Communicative purpose in Phitsanulok
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Mascot Design and Evaluation for Local Tourism Communication in Phitsanulok. The Researcher defines the objectives of the research as follows: 1) The designing of Mascot Design that conveys local identity for 9 District in Phitsanulok . 2) The Evaluation of of Mascot Design that conveys local identity for 9 District in Phitsanulok by using the design guidelines of Mascot Design. The researcher has developed and designed Mascot Design that conveys local identity for 9 District in Phitsanulok and create a design evaluation tool. The researcher collected data from a total of 160 target groups by collecting data from questionnaires. with a random sampling method. The research found, The eighth types of work has the most evaluation results in terms of design. has a total mean (=4.59, S.D.=0.58)
Keyword : Mascot, Local identity, Tourism Communication Media
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