Indian Nationalism in Relation to China towards the Context of New Silk Road

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นารีรัตน์ ปริสุทธิวุฒิพร
วิริยา สีบุญเรือง
อภิราดี จันทร์แสง
Scott Laird Rolston


There were two purposes in this study: to find out a relationship between India and China focusing on a project of One Belt One Road from 2013 and to present (2021), and to explore causes of obstacles between the two countries during the project launch. As the research methodology, the concepts of nationalism and national interest were used to describe the project’s phenomenon.

          The findings showed that there were conflicts between India and China all the time from the past. Since the economic reform in 1991, India has accelerated its economy by encouraging private sectors for commerce as well as the foreign investments. The most investors in India became China. Since then, there were 3 periods of relationship alteration. From 2013 to 2015, the relationship between India and China appeared untroubled. From 2016 to 2019, India was suspicious China due to its CPEC in Pakistan. From 2020 to 2021, there has been conflicts along the Galwan River Valley.

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ปริสุทธิวุฒิพร น., สีบุญเรือง ว. ., จันทร์แสง อ. ., & Rolston, S. L. (2022). Indian Nationalism in Relation to China towards the Context of New Silk Road. ASIA PARIDARSANA, 43(2), 99–127. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)
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