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Jirayudh Sinthuphan


Asia as Method is an approach to studying Asian society and culture that Chen Kuan-hsing, a Taiwanese scholar and cultural critic, developed around the year 2010. This approach emphasizes of the need to rethink Asia and reorient Asian studies beyond traditional geographic boundaries or knowledge production that were defined by colonialism and imperialism. It seeks to challenge Western-centrismand aims to develop a comprehensive and diverse understanding of Asia. Through the cross-border dialogue process across disciplines and cultures, as well as hrough the process of critically reflecting on one's own perspective and knowledge, it will allow us  to see the many dimensions and interconnectedness of Asia. This issue of the Asia Review Journal may not begin by declaring that it is part of the Asian Methodology. But it can also be considered an article that helps us understand Asia from a perspective that is valuable for reference to Asia.

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How to Cite
Sinthuphan, J. (2023). Introduction. ASIA PARIDARSANA, 44(1). Retrieved from
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