The Influence of Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) on Employee Performance among Generation X and Y: A Case Study of an International Logistic Company in Thailand


  • Natchanok Kaewsuriyaporn School of Human Resource Development, National Institute of Development Administration
  • Kritkorn Nawakitphaitoon School of Human Resource Development, National Institute of Development Administration


Leader–Member Exchange (LMX), Employee Performance, Generation of Employee , International Logistic Company


This research aims to study whether the influence of LMX on employee performance depending on generations. This quantitative research collected data from 295 employees at one international logistic company in Thailand. The results from this study showed that 1) the employees had an opinion towards LMX and employee performance at the high level. In addition, LMX were moderately low but positively correlated with employee performance at the statistical significance level of .01 (r = 0.24). 2) LMX was significantly and positively influence employee performance and 3) although the average performance of employees in generation Y was significantly higher than that of employees in generation X, the positive influence of LMX on employee performance was not statistically difference between these two generations.


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How to Cite

Kaewsuriyaporn , N. ., & Nawakitphaitoon, K. (2024). The Influence of Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) on Employee Performance among Generation X and Y: A Case Study of an International Logistic Company in Thailand. Business Administration and Management Journal Review, 16(2), 171–188. Retrieved from



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