The Development of Web Based Instruction Based on Constructivist Theory with Lateral Thinking Techniques to Enhance Creativity on 2D Cartoon Design for Undergraduate Students

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ภารวี ศรีกาญจน์


The objectives of this study are (1) to development of web based instruction based on constructivist theory with lateral thinking techniques to enhance creativity on 2D Cartoon Design for Undergraduate Students, (2) to compare the creativity of students before and after program implementation.

The sample consists of 35 students from Siam Technology College who are currently studying on 3rd year students for semester 1/2560. The research instruments in this study are (1) web based learning following constructivist theory in conjunction with lateral thinking techniques, (2) learning achievement test. In addition, the statistics used in this study are the arithmetic mean, standard deviation and dependent sample t-test.

The findings shown that (1) overall score for the quality of web based instruction was rated in the range of very good with =4.72 and S.D.= 0.45, (2) there was statistically significant different in creating ability of students before and after web based implementation which the creating ability after implementation was greater.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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