The Use of Accounting Data for Lawyers in Thailand

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ชฎาพร ฑีฆาอุตมากร



 “The Use of Accounting Data for Lawyers in Thailand” is a qualitative research, which has main objectives of exploring, studying the use of accounting data of lawyers in Thailand and legislative systems in accordance with different categories of enactments, and synthetizing such data as guidance of teaching Accounting for lawyers through in-depth interviews of lawyers in Thailand graduated with Bachelor of Laws and having 10-year work experience.

The researcher executed the method of purposive sampling which included judges, police officers, soldiers, attorneys, businessmen, bankers, lawyers, administrators of private companies, university lecturers, and public and private sector officers, equivalent to 25 people.

The result found out that 80% was male lawyers, whereas 20% was female. The average age was 47 years old, and the average year of work experience was 24 years. Most male lawyers (64%) used to work in other fields prior. Within the 24-minute interview per interviewee, 92% of lawyers have worked in professions incorporating accounting, whilst another 8% has never experienced any accounting. 86.95% of the use of accounting data is financial accounting.  About 47.82% of the use of accounting intersected most with civil and commercial laws. 68% of the lawyers opined that it is crucial for lawyers in Thailand to possess some knowledge of accounting because it will be very advantageous to their careers.

Nevertheless, 4% claimed that accounting becomes necessary when being in positions of top management teams. Only 28% pointed out that lawyers need accounting. Topics of accounting lawyers ought to enlighten on tend to be financial statements, overall operations and liquidity as well as the calculation of interest and taxation.

Key words: The use of accounting data, lawyers in Thailand



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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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