Factors Affecting the Decision of the Location Warehouse for Distribution: A Literature Review

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Prachak Promngam


Distribution management is an important activity to support and satisfy consumers by enhancing the efficiency of logistics management. By distributing good products, there must plan in terms of quantity and patterns of delivery to consumers, Through the use of strategies in various ways to get the most value in distribution operations to create advantages and enhance the competition.

This paper a literature review on the factors influencing the decision of distribution center locations. The objective is to create a conceptual framework for researching factors affecting the decision of the distribution center location. By studying from secondary sources through online databases, both in the country and abroad to collect information and using content analysis, results of studies, conceptual frameworks, research studies, factors affecting the decision-making of distribution center locations were six variables in this study: 1) transportation, 2) Land tax and local policy, 3) operating costs, 4) labor, 5) market / customer sources, and 6) facilities. The location selection factor is an important factor in the operations to create a competitive advantage. Because it can support a quick and easy response. And reasonable cost to respond to customers and consumers in the rapidly changing competitive.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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