The behavior to reduce waste of people in the Maha Sarakham Municipality through Urban Symbiosis Concept for Sustainable Waste Management The behavior to reduce waste of people in the Maha Sarakham Municipality through Urban Symbiosis Concept for Sustainable Waste Management

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Sutana Boonlua
Nattakan Jandachote
Timlak Somnin


The objectives of this research are 1. to study and confirm the indicators of waste behavior to reduce waste of people in Maha Sarakham and 2. to assess the behavior to reduce waste of people in Maha Sarakham. Data was collected with a questionnaire from 331 people in Maha Sarakham municipal area. The results found that people in Maha Sarakham willing to cooperate in waste separation by considering whether any waste can be sold or unsold, then sorted out, such as plastic water bottles, glass bottles, cardboard, etc. to sell into the recycle junk shops. Mainly information is obtained from the Maha Sarakham Municipality through the Ministry of Public Health or Village Health Volunteers. The cooperation of people is quite high but behavior to reduce the waste is quite fair. However, the behavior to reduce waste starts with oneself in raising awareness then encourages to their family members and neighbor. The behavior to reduce waste focuses on recycle to non-recycle waste. People prefer using one big plastic bag to several small plastic bags, etc. Also people try to separate/reduce waste and sort the waste before throwing away.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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