ODI on Employee Motivation and Teamwork to Enhance Employee Performance: A Case Study of AAA Company Limited in a Pharmaceutical Industry (Based in Yangon, Myanmar)

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Eindra Minn


Employees’ performance is one of the vital sources for organizations to remain healthy, prosperous and sustainable in this competitive world. The stronger the employees’ workforce, the better the organizations, hence, contributing greatly to national economic empowerment. The purpose of this study is to determine whether employees’ motivation and teamwork have an impact on employees’ performance as a whole through the organization development interventions. The focal system is a pharmaceutical company based in Yangon, Myanmar.  Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to test the hypotheses through surveys and questionnaires of both pre-ODI and post-ODI stages. The survey is designed to measure variables of employees’ motivation and teamwork. The action Research (AR) cycle of action planning, action taking and action evaluation, was engaged throughout the research process. In analyzing, describing the data set, pair t test, correlation, multiple linear regression was performed for quantitative analysis whereas content analysis was used for qualitative data analysis. The study has shown there is a very significant relationship between employees’ motivation and teamwork and employees’ performance. It is shown that ODIs were effective in increasing employees’ motivation and teamwork which lead to stronger employees’ performance.  Recommendations to a focal company to sustain the positive changes. Finally, with the case of this company in Myanmar, the relevant and applicable comments for pharmaceutical companies are made as for the betterment of the industry.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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