A Study and Jewelry Design of Jewel Beetle Wings By Mixed Media Techniques

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Jiraporn Rodkum


This study and design of jewel beetle wings by mixed media techniques focus on study the data of the Jewel Beetles. In terms of physical attributes and methods of creating works with techniques, materials and mixed media by studying the documents, articles and textbooks including the collection of information from experts and knowledgeable people in relevant. The research tools used in this study consisted of an interview form, an assessment form and a questionnaire for data collection. Then developed a form of jewelry in the form of a 3D image with a computer program to get the most realistic jewelry style and to be assessed by experts in jewelry design and manufacturing. The results of the model evaluation revealed that the second model was the most appropriate and create a jewelry model for
1 set. The results of the assessment of consumer satisfaction towards jewelry set products found that the jewelry style was appropriate at a high level a mean score of 4.12 while the standard deviation 0.11 A high level of the most satisfying is different from the original jewelry style a mean score of 4.36, the standard deviation 0.71 Then the beauty of the jewelry a mean score of 4.23, the standard deviation 0.73 and easy to maintain, a mean score of 4.22, a standard deviation of 0.86

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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