Intellectual Property Management of Cosmeceutical Industry: Case Study of ABC Company

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Onwika Sritong
Charcrit Sritong


This research aimed to survey the problems, and provide the guideline for solving and protecting the intellectual property management problems of the cosmeceutical industry, a case study of ABC company. In this research, the qualitative methods was employed by using various tools which included 1) study the relevant document 2) observation, and 3) in-depth interviews with the relevant persons. Then, the results were reviewed by academic persons, experts, and the company’s manager. The results found that the management of intellectual property of the cosmeceutical industry should focus on the following four areas: 1) Intellectual Property Management Plan: intellectual property management plan should be prepared in line with the organization's strategy as a guideline for intellectual property management 2) Intellectual Property Management System: intellectual property processes should be planned to cover the organization’s operations 3)‍ Intellectual Property Audit System: the organization should have an audit system for checking their intellectual property and considering them in the appropriate types, and 4) Intellectual Property Knowledge Management: the organization should have a clear understanding of their intellectual property and create their own intellectual property knowledge.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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