The creation of a mural on the 12 myths of Phraparittara by using Community participation process, Wat Pa Phu pha Lom, Muang District, Loei Province

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Krailerk Swangpon
Audchara Numai
Junladit Obpahat
Nattakarn Anantrawan
Pattarapong Chaiyachet


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the content and themes of 12 myths of Phraparittara chanting, 2) to create a mural painting on the 12 myths of Phraparittara at Wat Pa Phu Pha Lom, Muang District, Loei Province and 3) to disseminate Knowledge of Buddhist art through mural paintings on the 12 myths of Phraparittara. The research tools were: 1) Unstructured interview form to study mural patterns from stakeholders 2) Appropriate assessment form for a mural on the 12 myths of Phraparittara. The sample consisted of 1) the group of informants were monks, local philosophers, expert in Buddhist art 2) The creative group is teachers and students from the Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University, local residents and local artists 3) performance appraisal group were 5 experts. The research results concluded that; 1) the essence of the 12 myths of Phraparittara has been divided into 3 purposes in order to protection, promotes victory and happiness 2) the 12 realistic murals size 100 x 200 cm. were composed and showed details of works to convey the story to be realistic and beautiful easy to understand clear, uncomplicated. There was an evaluation of the suitability of the work by experts in 6 areas: image composition story content, image consistency, creative techniques, image integrity, and overall image, the evaluation results were at a very good level with an average of 4.53, 90.56 percent. 3) Dissemination of the 12 12 myths of Phraparittara mural paintings exhibited in the sermon pavilion at Wat Pa Phu Pha Lom and disseminating through photo program and E-book.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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