An analysis of the factors influencing the operational efficiency of juristic person entrepreneurs

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Apichat Lhimrat
Achariya Chimklai
Attaporn Monkolsakulkit
Panot Ratananopas


The objectives of this research were 1. To analyze the factors influencing the operational efficiency of juristic person entrepreneurs. Collected data from a sample of juristic person entrepreneurs. In Bangkok, 400 samples were randomly selected by hierarchical random sampling. The tool used to collect data was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, including percentage, mean and standard deviation. and Pearson's correlation coefficient to check the consistency of the correlation path model. According to the research conceptual framework with empirical data using path analysis. Data were analyzed by content analysis method.

The results showed that the correlation path model According to the research conceptual framework, it is consistent with empirical data. by faith in Principles of Management was the factor that had the most influence on operational efficiency. economic impact Knowledge and understanding of entrepreneur taxes business success and morality and ethics of entrepreneurs, respectively. Such factors had a positive influence on operational efficiency, while the confidence factor in the management system had a negative influence on operational efficiency, social responsibility influenced operational efficiency. operates only a small amount.  The consistency index of the model with empirical data was 0. 94 and the determination coefficient was 0. 45, which meant that the factors in the model could explain 45 % of operational efficiency. Quality found that 8 components influenced the efficiency of operations.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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