Factors that effect on Development Model for Management Standards

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Chanpen Wisonyakhajorndej
Natee Padchimma


The objective of this research is 1. Studydirect and indirect factors that effect on development model for management standards of the nursing home business. 2. ‍To study the hypothesis of relationship of service quality, marketing mix and management processes that influence the development of management standards for the nursing home business.

In this study, mixed method was used. Quantitative study was used to know the basics data including marketing mix, management process quality of service and the development of management of the nursing home business that had an influenced-on development of management standards of the nursing home business. Qualitative study was used to get an insights data from experts and stakeholders who involve with setting standards for Thai elderly care facilities.

According to the data from 400 andthen were analyzed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results found that all quality of service, marketing mix and the management process had a positive influence on the development of management standards of the nursing home business. For factor of quality of service, the most important variable was customer confidence (CC) and the customer service (CS). For factor of management process, the most important variable was organizational management (OG). The least was planning factor (PN). For factor of configuration of elderly care management, the most important variable was the development of human resources (DV) and the least was the factor of quality development (QD).

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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