The The Improving the efficiency of group trucks transportation goods By used the technique preventive maintenance systems The Improving the efficiency of group trucks transportation goods By used the technique preventive maintenance systems

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Dussadee Mookda


This research had aims for improve the performance of the company's trucks in a case study. Used the technique preventive maintenance systems by specifying the details of the maintenance plan, Create a preventative maintenance (PM) form. Including the document systems related to maintenance work else. This research used Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Mean Time Between failure (MTBF) as indicators. The sample group is a group of HINO brand trucks model FL1J .Vehicle registration on B.E. 2550 only. The result was shown that waste time for downtime the truck had decrease average of amount 350.50 hours or accounted to 25.54%. The average time to useable the truck had increased average of amount 13.02 hours or accounted to 57.72 %. The average time to repaired the trucks decreased average amount 3.79 hours or accounting to 28.92%. Including, the machine operation rate had increased accounting to 52.79 %. Overall, the overall effectiveness of the machines had increased accounting to 76.95 %

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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