Discriminating Factors for Career Path Decisions of Pharmacists in the Southern Region: Continuing or Resigning from the Bureaucratic System

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Uthit Thaveerat
Idaratt Rinthaisong


The objective of this research was to study the discriminant factors of resignation decisions among pharmacists in southern Thailand. This research employed a quantitative research method and questionnaires were used as a research tool. The sample in this study was pharmacists working in the bureaucratic system and those who resigned. A total of 280 subjects were randomly selected and stratified according to the type of pharmacists. The data was analyzed with a linear discriminant function and cluster analysis. The results show that job security, desire to help others, work environment, and financial remuneration significantly discriminated set the two groups of pharmacists apart. Those who left the bureaucratic system were those who had higher a desire to help others and perceived that having a career as a pharmacist was a prestigious, working in a better environment than the group remaining in the bureaucratic system. However, the job security is lower. This means that those engaged in the bureaucratic system had higher job security than those who quit. It can be said that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors are important factors in distinguishing pharmacists who remain in the bureaucratic system or resign.

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