The Impact of Perceived Organizational Support, Organizational Cultural Fit, Strategic Technology Management, and Teamwork towards Operational Employees’ Organizational Effectiveness in Life Insurance Companies, Bangkok Metropolitan Areas

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Suthinan Pomsuwan


The objectives of this study were to study the impact of perceived organizational support towards operational employees’ organizational effectiveness in Life Insurance Companies, Bangkok Metropolitan Areas, to study the impact of organizational culture fit towards operational employees’ organizational effectiveness in Life Insurance Companies, Bangkok Metropolitan Areas, to study the impact of strategic technology management towards operational employees’ organizational effectiveness in Life Insurance Companies, Bangkok Metropolitan Areas, and to study the impact of teamwork towards operational employees’ organizational effectiveness in Life Insurance Companies. Bangkok Metropolitan Areas. Data were collected from 400 operational employees using closed-ended questionnaires. The content validity was verified by experts and the reliability test of the questionnaire had the confidence value was 0.891. The descriptive statistics were analyzed by percentages and the inferential statistics were analyzed by multiple regression analysis at the statistical significance level of .05. The results found that the impact of perceived organizational support, organizational cultural fit, strategic technology management, and teamwork affected operational employees’ organizational effectiveness in Life Insurance Companies, Bangkok Metropolitan Areas at 89.00, 44.00, 66.40, and 48.10 percent by variable, respectively.

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