Consumers' Purchasing Intention Regarding Environmentally Friendly Products: An Empirical Analysis of Japanese Consumers
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The objective of the research was to study lifestyle and consumption behavior factors affecting Japanese consumers’ Purchasing Intention for eco-labeled products by using a questionnaire of 221 random samplings. Statistics were used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The research results found that most respondents lived in the Kanto area, 57.9% were male, 78.7% were 15-20 years old, 85.5% had a bachelor's degree, 91.9% had an income less than or equal to 100,000 yen, 84.6%. Hypotheses Testing results showed that lifestyles in terms of opinions on global warming had an effect to the factors of if there are products of the same type available in the future, you choose to purchase products with an eco-label, and purchase intention eco-labeled products (in total) among Japanese consumers statistically significant at the 5% level. It was also found that the consumption behavior of consuming products for environmental conservation affects the factor of if there are products of the same type available for purchase, and intention to purchase eco-labeled products (in total) among Japanese consumers statistically significant at the 5% level. But it was found that there was only consumption behavior that affects the factor of Japanese consumers expectation to purchase eco-labeled products in the future.
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