Vishnu Statues in Archaeology and Art History in Thailand


  • Dr. Jeerawan Sangpetch ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ประจําภาควิชาทัศนศิลป์ คณะศิลปกรรมศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย


Vishnu, Radiation X-Ray Gamma, Vishnu statue, trade routes, model


The study of Vishnu statues within archaeology and art history in Thailand before the 14 Century C.E. illustrates that these statues are related to religion and trade routes as well as transferring art. Locational organisation can be categorized into 3 groups: eastern and northeast, central and western, and east and south western. From this study, Vishnu statues can be categorized into 5 groups. The early period statues have a relationship with Indian art that was found in the port cities along the shoreline. The later period statues that were found at ancient port cities in southern ,central, and eastern Thailand. In addition, they also illustrate the relationship with the Vishnu statues that were found in Southeast Asia. The worship of Vishnu continues into the present day. They still exist in the trading communities, for example in central Thailand. This research also found the small sized Vishnu statues in excellent craftsmanship without the axis to lock with its base . It can be assumed to be the model used for making larger sized statues. This technique is still in use today in sculpture making. 
This research used a multidisciplinary research process utilizing the Radiation X-Ray Gamma Transmission technique and studied Art style. The new discovery of this style of art links  the Vishnu statues in the Southeast Asia, especially Pre-Angkorian period of Khmer Empire and Southern Vietnam.


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