
  • Thanathorn Kittikant


สำนักสงฆ์, สุโขทัย, อุทุมพรคีรี


Udumbaragiri or Dimbulagala was one of the most important forest monasteries in Ceylon in the twelfth to fifteenth century A.D. This monastery provided Buddhist education for the local sanghas and for those from abroad. One Thai historical record mentioned the visit of a Mon monk to this monastery along with his return to establish the new monastery under this same name in the Mon state in modern, southern Myanmar. This newly established monastery was, as well, the Buddhist college and educated Sumanathera, a famous Sukhothai monk who played an important role in facilitating many Buddhist monasteries and monuments throughout Sukhothai and Lanna regions.

The architectural studies undertaken have also found architectural significance with the Sukhothai monasteries built in the period of king of Ramkhamhaeng, preceding Sumanathera’s time. This findingis in parallel with those found in historical records which confirm the strong religious relationship between Sukhothai and Ceylon run by the Arannavasins, the forest dweller monks.


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บําเพ็ญ ระวิน, ผู้แปล. มูลศาสนา สํานวนล้านนา. เชียงใหม่: คณะมนุษย์ศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่, ๒๕๓๘.

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