
  • Tawee Sawangpanyangkool


จาม, เวียดนาม, วิถีชีวิต


The Cham kingdom, located in present day Central Vietnam is one of the oldest kingdoms in Asia. Plenty of Cham history and culture can still be found in this central region, although many historical sites and important architectural legacies have disappeared in other areas, such as My Son.

Approximately one hundred and thirty thousand Cham people currently reside in Vietnam, and this number is increasing daily because they don’t adhere to population control programs. These people still practice many of their traditional customs, although they no longer live by the sea or make their living from fishing, as their ancestors did. Instead they’ve moved predominantly into the agricultural sector, focusing their efforts primarily on rice production. Additionally, the Cham are also well known for their creative artworks such as ceramics, weaving (especially baskets) and bronze works.




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พลับพลึง คงชนะ และธวัชชัย พรหมณะ (บรรณาธิการ) 2546 เวียดนาม ภูมิลักณ์ ประชาชน และวัฒนธรรม สถาบันเอเซียแปซิฟิกศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ


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Nhà xuất bản Khoa học xã hội. Chạm Sculpture.

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