
  • Penrung Suriyakan Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University


การจัดการ, ทรัพยากรทางวัฒนธรรม, เวียงกาหลง


This study is aimed at assessing and understanding the community-based management processes of archaeological resources at the Wiang Kalong ceramic kiln site which was operated by Ban Thung Mahn local people during 1977-2009. Populations to be studied: (1) ceramic artisans, successful in creating and producing modern Wiang Kalong ceramics; (2) a group of local people responsible for the preservation and conservation of natural and archaeological resources in the Mae Hiew watershed.

The study results showed that during the period of 1982-1987, Wiang Kalong ceramic artisans earned their living by looting archaeological sites for saleable objects. Since 1983 they have gradually changed their concepts and practices to preserve archaeological resources and maintain ceramic history. They also faked ancient Wiang Kalong ceramics for antique collectors and they successfully created and produced modern Wiang Kalong ceramics.

Key persons in the conservation group were also ceramic looters during the earlier who earned their living by growing rice and cultivating orchard plantations, uninvolved with ceramic making. They later realized that looting archaeological sites and selling ancient ceramic objects would not sustain their living, so they stopped looting and tried to preserve the kiln sites, located in their orchards, in association with the preservation of natural forestland.


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