The Relationship between Ayutthaya Style Pulpit Art and the Lanna Art
Dharmas, Pulpit, wood carving, Ayutthaya art, Lanna artAbstract
This article aims at comparing and pointing out the influence of Lanna arts towards Ayutthaya’s wooden-carved pulpits from 16th-17th centuries by focusing on remaining architectural elements and ornamental patterns. The early style of Ayutthaya’s wooden pulpits (dating around 16 – 17th century) was influenced by styles of art from Lanna states in the north of Thailand, as a result of many wars in the 16th century. During that time, the style of Ayutthaya’s pulpits was inspired by many characteristics of the Mandapa (sacred images architecture), some Prasat-styled stupas, and also involved Lanna decorative patterns for a short period of time (especially emphasized on the example from the sermon throne in Wat Kokkham and Wat Krut), and later the Ayutthaya pulpit gradually developed its own style throughout 17th and 18th centuries. Some decorative details can be observed in the appearance of the rooftop style, elements of the columns, and decorative patterns that clearly show the influence from Lanna art.
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บทความนี้เป็นผลงานของข้าพเจ้าแต่เพียงผู้เดียว และ/หรือเป็นผลงานของข้าพเจ้าและผู้ร่วมงาน ตามชื่อที่ระบุในบทความจริง และเป็นผลงานที่มิได้ถูกนำเสนอหรือตีพิมพ์ที่ใดมาก่อน