The Mon Funeral Memorial Books: The Ethnic Consciousness of the Deceased and the Selected Preservation of Mon History


  • Pakawadee Thongchompunuch Research assistant, Center for Research on Plurality in the Mekong Region, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University. email:


Mon funeral memorial books, Mon ethnic consciousness, Mon history, perception of the past of the Mon in Thailand


This article aims to explain the Mon ethnic consciousness and the selected preservation of Mon history governing the perception of the past of the Mon people in Thailand through the analysis of the funeral books published as the memorials for the passed away people. The analysis reveals that the descendants of the Mon people who fled from the oppression of the Myanmar army and emigrated to Thailand During the Thonburi regime, B.E. 2317, are currently Thai citizens with Mon ethnicity. These people are living in a multicultural society. Nevertheless, they have preserved their Mon ethnic identity. The funeral memorial books present not only a personal background and memorial statements, but also the story of the ethnic consciousness of the deceased persons and how they have engaged in preserving Mon culture and identity. It is generally stated that the departed person are the descendants of Mon ancestors and that they have participated in social movements to conserve Mon culture. In addition, the contents also address the relationships between Mon people and the Mon state in Myanmar. Apart from this, the memorial books also frequently present the main history that governs the perception of the past for Mon people so as to pass on national identity to younger generations. Therefore, the funeral memorial books are not just the symbol of mourning, they are also a space for presenting the Mon ethnic consciousness and conserving Mon history. Thus, these books are a useful source of reference for Mon studies in Thailand.


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