Interpretation of the Four animal Symbols and Other Sculptures on the Stupa of Wat Bowonniwet Vihara according to the Xiyouji Literature


  • Dr. Wachirawit Tungtananuwat Pol. Lt. Col., Lecturer, Institute of Forensic Medicine, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police. email:


Xiyouji, Stupa of Wat Bowonniwet Vihara, Four animals, King Mongkut


The purpose of this research was to interpret the four animal symbols and other sculptures in bronze and on wood door panels in accordance with Xiyouji literature. On this view, the horse refers to the Xuanzang's dragon horse, while the lion, elephant and eagle refer to three demonic kings. These four animals connote the support which assisted Xuanzang to successfully bring the Dharma to The Tang Emperor: a horse carrying a large number of Dharma scrolls, the Buddha and the two Bodhisattvas who defeated three demonic kings. Of the four animal carvings on the wood door panels, the horse represents the French, the lion represents the British, the elephants refer to the people of Ceylon, and the eagle stands for the American. King Mongkut used the Xiyouji plot to compare the methods of Buddhist propagation. The Tang Emperor used the handwritten method to copy the scripture’s manuscript, whereas the King Mongkut used the more efficient typing method. The four animals represent friends from four nations, Ceylon, France, England and the United States of America who support their royal duties.



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