Siriwibulkit Thai Jingle Poem: New Details in Literature


  • Nitaya Thanyaphanit Assistant Professor.Experts transliterate the Thai manuscripts of Arts and culture Office,Songkhla Rajabhat University. email:


Siriwibulkit Thai Jingle Poem : new details in literature.


The original version of the “Siriwibulkit Thai Jingle Poem” was recorded on a black folding-book manuscript and stored in the Kanchanaphisek National library, Songkla. Moreover, this has never been exhibited to the public. The purposes of this study were to study in detail the story, the prosodic aspects, and the author’s biography. The major findings in studying the “Siriwibulkit Thai Jingle Poem” were that the story was from Siriwibulkit Jataka and composed in Khlong Si - Suphab Poem form with 67 stanzas, including stanzas in acrostic, Thai jingle acrostic and Thai jingle poem style. Thai jingle acrostic and Thai jingle poem were found in 23 stanzas (23 types). The content in “Siriwibulkit Thai Jingle Poem” holds more details about the author Luang Sipricha (Seng) than can be found in “Siriwibulkit Thai Jingle Poetry”. It dealt with the author’s name, birthplace, migration, capability, government service worker, royal sponsored official title, and works. These made the readers know more clearly about the author. Some new details shown in the literature are different from the former assumptions.


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