Beliefs of the Poet Praising the Kings reflected from the Kavisamaya : A Study of Sanskrit Inscriptions found in Thailand


  • Nipat Yamdate นักศึกษาระดับปริญญาเอก สาขาวิชาจารึกภาษาไทยและภาษาตะวันออก ภาควิชาภาษาตะวันออก คณะโบราณคดี มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร


Beliefs of the Poets, Praising the Kings, Kavisamaya (convention of the poet), Sanskrit inscriptions found in Thailand


This paper aims to study thebeliefs of the poet’s praising of the kings through the poetic convention or kavisamaya.The samples were 7 Sanskrit Inscriptions found in Thailand (1) Wat-Sema-Mueang Inscription, (2) Sdokkok-Thom II Inscription, (3) Prasat-Thap-Siam II Inscription, (4) Prasat-Phnom-Rung Inscription, (5) Prasat-Ta-Mian-Tot Inscription, (6) Wat-Hua-Weang-Mueang-Chaiya I Inscription, (7) Mueang-sema Inscription. From the study, it is found that there were 10 kinds of belief regarding to the kavisamaya for praising the kings: (1) Brahman was the creator of the kings; (2) the glory of the kings pervades infinitely; (3) thekings were as powerful as the sun; (4) the kings were as beautiful as the moon; (5) the kings had the same features as the moon and the sun; (6) the kings were as beautiful as or more than Kāmadeva (god of love); (7) Goddess Lakṣmī had a close relationship with the kings; (8) thekings were omniscient; (9) the great kings’ feet were honored by other kings; (10) the kings were associated with gigantic or magical trees. It was found that the poets who praised the kings believed that the kings’ image was different from other normal people: the kings were demigod or “Devarājā” whose characteristics were admirable, bold and absolutely powerful, they were sages, and they werebeneficial to their citizens.


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