

  • ปัทมาวดี วงษ์เกิด นักศึกษาปริญญาเอก คณะนิเทศศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธุรกิจบัณฑิตย์
  • พนารัตน์ ลิ้ม ผศ.ดร. อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษาวิทยานิพนธ์หลัก คณะนิเทศศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยธุรกิจบัณฑิตย์
  • ฐิตินัน บุญภาพ คอมมอน ผศ.ดร. อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษาวิทยานิพนธ์ร่วม คณะนิเทศศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย


การสื่อสารเพื่อการส่งเสริม, การท่องเที่ยวเชิงวัฒนธรรม, อัตลักษณ์ช้างสุรินทร์


The aim of this study was fourfold. Firstly, it was designed to identify aspects of cultural identity and the way of life of Surin elephant communities, expressed through cultural tourism and the way of life. Secondly, it aimed to explore communication patterns and media use for the enhancement of cultural identity and Surin elephant communities via cultural tourism and the way of life. Thirdly, it was carried out to examine perceptions of cultural identity of Surin elephant communities and their roles in tourists’ perceptions of value of Thai elephant identity. Finally, the fourth objective was to develop a set of communication guidelines for raising awareness of value of Thai elephants by means of cultural tourism and the way of life of Surin elephant communities.

This mix-methods study involved quantitative data of surveys responded by 400 Thai tourists and qualitative data of document reviews, participant observations, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions, including 31 informants: elephant shamans, elephant community people, as well as public and involved private sector organizations.

According the first findings in relation to aspects of cultural identity and the way of life of Surin elephant communities, the cognitive process possessed three major characterises including an Elephant Round-up, a ceremony to worship Phi Pakam (the spirit inhabiting in the noose for catching wild elephants), and local products. In addition, the way of life consisted of 2 features: human-elephant engagement, related traditions.  As for art and intellectual output, the 26 characteristics were elephant centers, elephant museums, elephant kingdoms, an elephant cemetery at Wadpa Argieng, Wang Ta Loo, Thai ancient dance imitating the pose of an elephant, Elephant Round-up Thai ancient dance, architecture of Human-Elephant House, Pra Kru Pakam sculpture, Kru Pakam Chang Museum, Kouy Traditional House Museum, Erawan pavilions, Kouy Silk Weaving Group, elephant training centers, elephant culture stadiums, observatories, 3D cinemas, important elephant stables, Pakam spirit houses, Ganesha, Elephant Dung Paper manufacturers, homestays, elephant ivory carving, Kouy language, and Kouy dressing.

According to the second findings of communication patterns and media use for the enhancement of cultural identity and Surin elephant communities, four types of communication patterns and media use were carried out by communities, public organizations, and private companies. Specifically speaking, these included 1) formal one-way communication, 2) informal one-way communication, 3) informal two-way communication, and 4) participatory communication. Moreover, there was remarkable use of various media: personal media, specialized media, mass media, internet media, and traditional media, which were produced by their own communities and public and private sector organizations. 

According to the third findings regarding perceptions of cultural identity of Surin elephants towards increasing value of Thai elephant identity, tourists entirely relied on personal media for information and travel decision, and they were exposed to information provided by their family members the most. Furthermore, the most common reason for travelling was to see elephant shows. The fact that elephants were well looked after by mahouts were also identified. When attending particular elephant community’s events, its way of life was greatly evident. In addition, tourists’ understanding of value of Thai elephant identity were normally perceived at a great level. There was the highest level of overall characteristics of cultural tourism and Surin elephant identity. Besides, increasing tourists’ understanding and awareness of enhancing value of Thai elephant identity was generally accepted as the greatest level. Additionally, there was no difference in tourists’ awareness of Thai elephant identity, when comparing places tourists visited in an elephant village, value perception characteristics, and awareness of Thai elephant identity.

According to the fourth findings in connection with communication guidelines for raising awareness of value of Thai elephants, community tourism principles were deemed essential. The aspects of natural resources and culture included elephants, traditions, forests, and water. The aspects of community were local scholars, elephant shamans, public organizations, and private companies. As for the cultural and tourism management aspects, there was a need for work regulations, equitable distribution of income and welfare. When it comes to learning aspects, tourism activities should develop a sound understanding of the way of life and culture, create opportunities of mutual learning between a local community and tourists, foster awareness of tourism in elephant villages. This could be achieved by developing a set of communication guidelines: 1) determining communication objectives, target audience, and types of tourism activities 2) using communication tools, i.e., personal media, traditional media, mass media, internet media, and specialized media, 3) selecting methods of communication which are appropriate for the target audience, 4) establishing communication network, and 4) encouraging participatory communication involving people in sharing opinion, decision-making, practice, follow-up, and assessment.


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