

  • สุวัฒนา นริศรานุกูล Thammasat University
  • อัจฉรา ปัณฑรานุวงศ์ คณะวารสารศาสตร์และสื่อสารมวลชน มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์


พื้นอารมณ์ , สไตล์รายการคุณภาพ, สื่อโทรทัศน์มัลติแพลตฟอร์ม, การวัดผลสื่อโทรทัศน์


This research seeks to study an approach for developing an exposure measurement system on television platforms tailored to the diverse preferences of Thai audiences in the digital age. Drawing upon David Keirsey's temperament theory, classifying into four distinct groups: 1) Rationalists, 2) Artisans, 3) Guardians, and 4) Idealists.

The research aims to explore how temperamental factors influence both both expectation for quality program styles and viewership patterns across multi-platform television in Thailand. The study employed a survey method, utilizing a questionnaire to gather data, yielding a total of 532 sample sets.

The research result revealed that the temperamental factors of viewers could partially predict the expectations of quality program styles and multi-platform television viewing. Specifically, the findings are as follows:

1) Temperamental Factors predict Program Style Expectations: Viewers with a temperament characterized by wisdom seekers (combining the characteristics of rationalists and artisans) can predict expectations for learning and socially conscious program styles, as well as artistic value program styles. Ideologists predict popular entertainment program styles and learning and socially conscious program styles. All predictions are positive.

(2) Temperamental Factors predict Multi-Platform Television Viewership: Wisdom seekers negatively predict the viewership of broadcast television. Ideologists positively predict the viewership of live streaming on online television platforms, while Guardians negatively predict the viewership of live streaming on online television platforms.


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