Social Causal Factors and Online Media Discrimination that Affect Narcotics-related Offenses of the Children and Juveniles

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Pisit Sophonphongphat
Kasemsri Asawasripongtorn
Kwanjai Jariyatatkone
Nutcha Patananukit


This research aims to study causal social factors, online media discrimination factors, and narcotics-related offenses of children and juveniles and to analyse factors that affect narcotics-related offenses for children and juveniles. The samples were 329 children and juveniles selected by an accidental sampling technique. Research instruments were a set of questionnaires on Causal Social Factors that had their reliability indexes between 0.866 and 0.933 and another set of questionnaires on online media discrimination factors that had their reliability between 0.866 and 0.933. Multiple Regression analysis with the Stepwise Technique was used for data analysis. The findings were as follows: 1) The practices on causal social factors and online media discrimination factors were high. The practices on narcotics-related offenses for children and juveniles were at moderate levels. 2)Factors affecting narcotics-related offenses of the children and juveniles were family relationships and parental upbringing. Both could share their effects to predict narcotics-related offenses for children and juveniles by 3.9% (R2 = 0. 039) and were statistically significant at 0.01. They could be shown in the following formula:

Narcotics-related offenses of the children and juveniles = 0.1.748 + 0.560 (Family Relationship) -0.361 (Parental Upbringing)


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Sophonphongphat, P., Asawasripongtorn, K., Jariyatatkone, K., & Patananukit, N. . (2024). Social Causal Factors and Online Media Discrimination that Affect Narcotics-related Offenses of the Children and Juveniles. วารสารอิเล็กทรอนิกส์การเรียนรู้ทางไกลเชิงนวัตกรรม, 14(1), 93–107. สืบค้น จาก


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