Strategic Management on Deposit of Government Saving Bank, Pattani region


  • ทิพวรรณ สุทธิธรรม ธนาคารออมสิน
  • นิรันดิ์เกียรติ ลิ่วคุณูปการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา
  • ศิษฏ์ธวัช มั่นเศรษฐวิทย์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏยะลา


Strategic Management, Deposit, Government Saving Bank, Pattani region


                The study entitled “Strategic Management on Deposit of Government Saving Bank, Pattani region” aims to 1) analyze the situation on strategic management on deposit of Government Saving Bank, Pattani region 2) analyze strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats in strategic management of deposit of Government Saving Bank, Pattani region 3) find out the approach for strategic management on deposit of Government Saving Bank, Pattani region.

                The samples in this study are 13 people including assistant manager on deposit, customer services staffs, and experts on deposit. This qualitative research employed in-depth interview in order to receive thorough and completed information. Semi-structure interview form was used in data collection.

                The result were as follows: 1) The conditions of strategic management on deposit of Government Saving Bank, Pattani region, Thai economic growth tends to be down. Thai government needs to have stimulus package through the government’s policy. The direction of proving loan credit of Siam Commercial Bank tends to be growth comparing to previous year. It is impulsion to compete for gathering deposit and it also has the deposit competition.  The financial institutions have deposit campaign continually to compete with other saving channels. The deposit competition of Government Saving Bank will focus on customers. The bank will propose the products which response customers’ needs in different group of customers. The special projects are also provided for customers such as fixed deposit project offering small interest rates. Besides, the information technology also has very high competition. The bank should develop and serve information technology to connect with financial services.  2) The strengths of strategic management on deposit of Government Saving Bank, Pattani region reveals that there are various products and financial services such as three years duration of premium savings certificate, five years duration of premium savings certificate, fixed deposit, long-term fixed deposit, special current deposit, saving account deposit, Youth Saving deposit and elderly saving deposit. They cover every type of customers and there are network especially in the remote area which other bank cannot access such as  Kapo district, Tarnto district, Maelan district, Cho-Irong district, Toong Yang Daeng district, Krong Penang district etc. 3) The weaknesses of strategic management on deposit of Government Saving Bank, Pattani region are found that the image of the bank is not modern. The information Technology systems are not various and up to date. The services are delayed and communication channel is still not various and is not cover new target. 4) The opportunities of strategic management on deposit of Government Saving Bank, Pattani region reveal that Government Saving Bank is government bank which is stable financial bank and government also supports and encourage saving money for people. Economic depression effects people more carefulness on paying money and make people have higher deposit. It is very good opportunity for the bank to promote people to deposit. Besides, the growths of digital banking make financial transactions are easier, more convenient. 5) The threats of strategic management on deposit of Government Saving Bank, Pattani region reveals that there are very high competitionson deposit and loan credit. The competitors are commercial banks and financial institutions (non-bank). Besides, the political changing might effect on bank policy such as tendency of interest rates, which is decreasing following financial policy and higher competition. 6) The tendency of strategic management on deposit of Government Saving Bank, Pattani region, according to study and analysis by using TOWS and Matrix, were employed for analysis. There are two levels of strategies; organizational strategies (Growth strategy) by extension service units covering remote areas and there is no accessibility by other banks. Moreover, the bank emphasizes on the extension of customer’s base. Business strategy, Government Saving Bank is Differentiation Strategy, which emphasizes on the leader of innovation, modern technology development to be different from competitors and making long-term competition advantage such as the products of Mymo and Mymo My Card.


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How to Cite

สุทธิธรรม ท., ลิ่วคุณูปการ น., & มั่นเศรษฐวิทย์ ศ. (2018). Strategic Management on Deposit of Government Saving Bank, Pattani region. Economics and Business Administration Journal Thaksin University, 10(1), 1–19. Retrieved from



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