The Moderating Role of an Internet Experience on the Elders’ Intention to Adopt Online Shopping
Intention to Adopt, Internet Experience, Online Shopping, Elderly CustomerAbstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the role of moderator variable which is an internet experience that has an impact on the relationship between independent variables which consisting of perceived benefit, ease of use, enjoyment, trust in vendor, and risk and the dependent variable which is intention to adopt online shopping. The population in the study was people aged more than 60 years living in the area of three southern border provinces. The research tool was a questionnaire and was distributed to a sample of 450 elders. Structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) multigroup analysis, has been employed to perform the difference between high internet experience group and low internet experience groups. The result indicated that there was a correlation of the usefulness and the intention to adopt online shopping in high internet experience group more than low internet experience groups, with a significant difference between the two groups of the elders. However, ease of use, enjoyment, trust in vendor, and risk has no significant difference between the two groups of the elders. As a result, the findings from this study benefit to various groups such as online entrepreneurs, government, academics, and those who wish to further research.
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