The Assessment Cost of Burden Disease’s the Respiratory Effects from the Open-field Burning Rice Straw of Rice Production in Upper Northern Thailand
Open-field Burning Rice Straw, The Thai Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), The Respiratory EffectsAbstract
This study aims to assess the burden disease cost of respiratory effects from the open field burning rice straw when producing rice in Upper Northern Thailand. The analysis of environmental impact on human health was calculated using the Life Cycle Assessment. The valuation of health damage was assessed using economic tools. The results were compared among the rice production systems. The study showed that the rice production systems included the conventional method, the Thai Good Agricultural Practice Standard (GAP system), and the organic system. Most farm households have not practiced burning stubble in the open air. Only parts of the conventional and GAP systems accounted for 33 percent of the sample area, each burden costing 138,115 baht per rai or 229 baht per kilogram paddy. Such estimates could contribute to the external cost of burden disease on burning stubble 56,202 million baht in Upper Northern Thailand. The alternative stubble management cost was a relatively high burden for farmers in producing rice. Therefore, the government should provide incentives and contribute to educating farmers on alternative stubble management, which could benefit society by reducing environmental impacts and improving farmers’ health.
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