Community Enterprise Flexibility Competency Affecting Firm Survival in the Product Manufacturing Sector in Northeast Thailand Via New Product Creation, Market Fulfillment Efficiency, and Product Advantage
Organizational Flexibility Competency, Firm Survival, Community EnterpriseAbstract
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between community enterprise flexibility competency and firm survival of the product manufacturing sector in northeast Thailand in terms of new product creation, market fulfillment efficiency, and product advantage.We postulated five dimensions of community enterprise flexibility competency (i.e., continuous process improvement, product research and development orientation, dynamic learning capability, intensive knowledge-based operation, and proactive operation mindset). The data were collected from 380 community enterprise CEO working in the product manufacturing sector in northeast Thailand using a self-reported questionnaire. Data were analyzed using multiple correlations and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the community enterprise flexibility competency in the aspects of continuous process improvement, intensive knowledge-based operation, and proactive operation mindset were positively associated with new product creation and market fulfillment efficiency significance level test 0.01. New product creation and market fulfillment efficiency were positively associated with product advantage and firm survival significance level test 0.01. Product advantage was positively associated with firm survival significance level test 0.01. Firm experience above 5 years has positive relate to product advantage significance level test 0.01. Community enterprise flexibility competency in terms of product research and development orientation and dynamic learning capability demonstrated non-association with new product creation and market fulfillment efficiency. Firm reword has not relate to new product creation, market fulfillment efficiency, product advantage, and firm survival.
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