Key Success Factors for Enhancing the Revenue Growth of Tourism Businesses along the Andaman Coast of Thailand during the COVID-19 Pandemic
key success factor, revenue growth, tourism entrepreneur, AndamanAbstract
This research aims to 1) study key success factors in business operations of tourism enterprises belong the Andaman Coast of Thailand and 2) examine the influence of implementing key success factors on the revenue growth of the tourism enterprises. Quantitative research method was used. Data was collected from 419 tourism entrepreneurs along the Andaman Coast of Thailand using a questionnaire. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, including frequencies, percentages, means, standard deviations, and OLS regressions. Research results revealed that there was a high level of implementation of key success factors, included business partner, service quality, and hygiene standard, in the business operations of the enterprises. In addition, the OLS results revealed that some elements of the key success factors had a statistical influence on the tourism enterprises’ revenue growth both overall and for those classified as first-tier and second-tier tourism cities. In regard to recommendations, key tourism enterprise management and stakeholders should be made aware of the importance of the implementation of key success factor principles and take their importance for successful business operations, appropriately due to the need for tourism enterprises to have a systematic approach and method to cope with the changes and crises that might occur in the future and also influence on the revenue growth for tourism business as well.
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